Crooked Teeth Treatment in Lahore

We each have a unique smile, but some of us hide our teeth due to crookedness or crowding. Dentists call this malalignment. It can be a lifelong issue or develop over time due to dental problems. Treatment options include orthodontics, Invisalign Clear Alignerscrowns , and veneers.


Symptoms Of Crooked Teeth

Crooked or crowded teeth can range from mild to severe. Some may be easily visible in your smile, while others may be less noticeable if they affect the back teeth. Malalignment can affect the function of your teeth and mouth, leading to other symptoms.

Crooked teeth can affect the health of your teeth, how your jaw works and can even affect your posture and balance. Some symptoms that may be present include:

Causes Of Crooked Teeth

Crooked and crowded teeth, gaps between teeth, and extra or missing teeth are often genetic. Other factors like injuries, thumb sucking, poor oral health, and dental disease can also contribute. Lost teeth in childhood or adulthood can lead to problems.


Malalignment may be purely cosmetic, but it can also affect tooth and jaw function. It’s advisable to consult your dentist early to address potential issues and explore treatment options for crooked teeth in Lahore.

Treating Crooked Teeth

Crooked and crowded teeth or an abnormal bite can be treated in a number of ways. Your dentist may recommend orthodontic treatment to straighten your teeth. Teeth can be straightened using a variety of techniques. Which one you decide on will depend on the condition of your teeth, the severity of your problem and your budget. Some of the available treatments include:

Invisalign Clear Aligners

Orthodontist Specialists

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