Mouth Ulcer Treatment in Lahore

While mouth ulcers and sores can be uncomfortable, they typically aren’t a major concern. They’re quite common, and if you have canker sores or aphthous ulcers, you’ll definitely feel them because they’re close to the surface and can be painful. They usually heal on their own in one to two weeks. Certain foods and drinks can sometimes worsen the pain of mouth ulcers. You can try different treatments to speed up your recovery. If an ulcer persists for three weeks, there may be a more serious underlying issue. See your dentist or doctor for examination and mouth ulcer treatment.


When to See a Dentist

If in doubt, check it out.

Planned a dental appointment as soon as you can for mouth ulcer treatment:

  • You are in pain
    Pain lasts longer than a day or two
  • The pain is severe or unbearable
  • You have a fever, earache or pain when you open your mouth wide
  • If you’ve had mouth ulcers before
  • If you’re experiencing stress, or run down

Are you in tooth Pain?

If you require immediate dental care, please contact us without delay. We will promptly schedule a meeting with you.

Symptoms of a Mouth Ulcers:

Although ulcers can occasionally be very large, they are typically small. They often appear as grey, yellow, or white spots that create a depression on the surface. Mouth ulcers can sometimes cause severe pain, especially when eating, drinking, or brushing teeth.


If mouth ulcers are causing intense pain, seek medical attention as there could be an underlying issue. Likewise, recurrent ulcers may indicate another problem, like a vitamin deficiency. It is recommended to consult a doctor if ulcers do not heal within three weeks.

Causes of Mouth Ulcers:

Everyone is aware of how uncomfortable it may be to unintentionally bite their tongue or cheek. A mouth ulcer can develop out of this very quickly. Another method to get an ulcer is to hit the inside of your mouth with your toothbrush, get burned by a hot beverage, have ill-fitting dentures, or have a tooth with a sharp edge. Mouth ulcers can also be brought on by the herpes simplex or cold sore viruses, a food intolerance, or even an allergy. Specific lifestyle or health variables, such as being on particular medications, lacking in certain nutrients, or having received radiotherapy, might cause ulcers. Other elements might be:


  • During times of high stress
  • With hormonal changes in females
  • When you are quitting smoking

Get Prepared:

For prompt solutions and guidance, book an appointment at SmileOn for any mouth or teeth problem. This approach ensures your dentist has the necessary information for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Typically, your dentist will inquire about your medical history prior to conducting a thorough examination of your mouth, teeth, jaw, tongue, throat, sinuses, ears, nose, and neck. Depending on the suspected cause of your problem, an x-ray may be necessary.

Your dentist may ask you some questions, such as:

  • What is your dental routine at home?
  • Have you made any changes recently?
  • Do you have any pain?
  • Where do you feel pain?
  • How bad is the pain?
  • How do you think you got the mouth sore or ulcer?

Due to your appointment, consider your responses to these questions. Preparation can hasten the diagnosis.


The price for removing wisdom teeth may vary depending on your circumstances. Taking care of your oral health is crucial to avoid potential future complications. Thus, it is usually advisable to have your wisdom teeth removed. If you experience pain caused by your wisdom teeth, there is no need to worry. We suggest seeing a dentist who can examine your wisdom teeth and provide you with an estimated cost for their removal.
Experiencing discomfort from wisdom teeth is a common problem that can cause significant annoyance and stress. Lack of sufficient space in the mouth may cause the wisdom teeth to become trapped or erupt at an angle. While temporary relief can be provided by applying numbing gels, cold compresses, and taking pain relief medication, visiting a dentist for a permanent solution to alleviate wisdom tooth pain is advisable.
It’s normal to experience pain and discomfort when your wisdom teeth come through. This happens typically from late teens until mid-twenties – and sometimes even older! Pain caused by wisdom teeth can be uncomfortable and create distress in our daily lives. If you are experiencing pain or irritation from your wisdom teeth, book an appointment ASAP.

When your wisdom teeth erupt the pain can be constant or it can come and go. It can begin as minor pain and get more severe as the gums become inflamed and irritated around the tooth. In most cases, wisdom teeth pain won’t go away until the tooth causing you problems is removed. The pain may temporarily disappear but will return and cause discomfort again. Wisdom tooth removal is the best option for permanent pain relief.

At our clinic, we prioritise your dental health and comfort. Removing wisdom teeth can be done by a dentist or an oral surgeon, with our primary objective of ensuring a pain-free procedure. Anaesthesia is provided during the removal process, and the type of anesthesia given may vary depending on your specific needs. Some patients may receive local anesthesia, while others may require full sedation.

Wisdom tooth discomfort is distinct from other types of bodily discomfort. It may feel bothersome and irritating, resulting in swelling and inflammation in your mouth. Occasionally, you might have jaw pain, headaches, earaches, and encounter issues while brushing and swallowing. If you have wisdom teeth problems, we recommend making an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible.


Various home remedies are available for wisdom tooth pain, although their effectiveness may vary. Common remedies include pain relief medication, applying cold compresses, using numbing gels, and rinsing your mouth with salt water. However, these remedies are only temporary and should not substitute for seeking professional advice from a dentist regarding removing your wisdom teeth to prevent more severe problems.


We understand. The reason why some people are afraid to visit the dentist is often due to negative past experiences. Take it easy. Our considerate and empathetic dentists comprehend your emotions. Whether you’re nervous about experiencing discomfort, the expense of treatment, or anything else, it’s best to communicate with us about your concerns. Ensuring your comfort is an essential part of our duty.

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You can request an appointment via completing the form below. Our staff will get back to you with availability best matched to your request. If you have a dental emergency please call us at: 03214461306

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